Sensei Lilian starting teach at the Carnarvon Dojo in 1992. She competed at the Shukokai World Championships in 1994, where she had the honour of grading to Shodan Ho by Shukokai founder Sensei Chojiro Tani. For the next 15 years she competed at State, National and International level to improve her competition skills. She continued her training and teaching and further developed Shukokai Karate by mentoring the Wickham dojo and opening the Denham Dojo in the northwest of WA in 2000, when she also became Chief Instructor of WA. As the Denham dojo is so isolated, Sensei Lilian was the first Australian Shukokai Karate Instructor to introduce video classes for Denham students. Along with regular visits to the remote dojos and creating and sending DVD’s the Denham Dojo grew from 4 x adult white belts (10TH KYU’s) to 3 x 1st Dan Instructors who were then able to teach the local students themselves. Denham Dojo is still running with 1 of the original Instructors Janine Standen, who is now a 3RD Dan (SANDAN) Black Belt instructor, assisted by 1st Dan Luke Dair.