Sensei Natasha began her karate journey in 1997 under Shukokai’s First Nation people’s instructor Sensei Mick Belotti in Wickham, Western Australia. In 2000 the clubs’ instructor had to relocate for work reasons so Natasha (17 at the time) with the support of the WA Chief Instructor Sensei Lillian McGinn, was granted permission to keep operating the dojo. Sensei Natasha ran the Wickham dojo from 2000 – 2005 whilst continuing her tutelage under both Sensei Paul Mitchell and Sensei Lil, before relocating to Perth for work purposes. Sensei Natasha continued her training under Sensei Norm Rickwood at the Belmont dojo until 2010 when Sensei Norm had to resign for personal reasons. Sensei Natasha took on the responsibility of running the dojo and is still instructing to date.
Natasha has been honoured to compete at State, National and International levels, receiving medals for her performance in kumite. Whilst on one of her trips to Japan Sensei Natasha trained under the instruction of Shigemasa Kawata, one of Sensei Tani’s most senior students. To this day Natasha continues to train under the guidance of Sensei Paul Mitchell, Sensei Darren Olsen, and Sensei Lillian McGinn. Natasha is currently a Bronze Level Coach with the AKF and regularly attends karate courses and seminars to improve her development in karate. Natasha is passionate about using her karate and life skills to equip people with the tools for effective self-defence and for forging a resilient spirit.